The Bible tells us that ‘God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life’ (John 3:16, KJV). This verse reveals the depth of God’s love for us and the incredible sacrifice that he made to save us. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life so that he could take our place on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins [ … ]
The Gospel According To Tomàs
The Gospel According To Tomàs | A Novel
Technically accomplished, stylistically brilliant, Tomàs’s ‘Gospel’ is at once a tale of hope in the discovery of love in Jesus – of hope in redemption, forgiving, forgetting, and denial – and it is a journey through those troubled, complex regions of the disappearing centre of Catholic faith [ … ]
Here Begin The Gospel Of Tomàs | The Room Where Faith Dies
My name is Tomàs. Tom, inevitably. Once, briefly, Tomek, my Tomek… Years and years. Now, in this more distant room, half a life away, I sit so taut – my [ … ]
Extracted From The Gospel According To Tomàs | God And Dog | A Theological Disputation
Friday, Lent 2. The skein cracks again in ‘Intellectual Development’. After this, I expect to be summoned to The Rector’s office to be expelled. Tomàs, with the best will in [ … ]
Extracted From The Gospel According To Tomàs | The Kouros | Jesus Is The Beautiful Boy
Plaza Mayor is tumbleweed. All Spain, hung from the Pyrenees, lapped by the Bay of Biscay, dipping its tongue south, impossible miles away. Representations of God on the Cross formed [ … ]
A Gay Catholic Teen | Extracted From The Gospel According To Tomàs | The Boy Love | The Catholic Church Near Me
Once upon a time… There was a young man called Tomàs. Then, once another time, a middle-aged man called Tomàs signed-up to the Catholic Church. But the story begins a [ … ]